推荐买球平台 Food Prize Finalist

    A Natural Approach to Keep Fruit and Vegetables Fresh.

    A Natural Approach to Keep Fruit and Vegetables Fresh

    “I have this childhood memory of preparing pickles with tomatoes, 萝卜, cauliflower and mixing with spices and oil, followed by a month long wait for its first tingling taste,女士说。. 天然产物和绿色化学部门的联合研究员Rojlina Manandhar, Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology (RIBB),Lalitpur, 尼泊尔.

    推荐几个足彩外围app建立了推荐几个足彩外围app的项目,以解开这种传统民间习俗的科学,并确定它是否具有抗氧化和抗菌特性,可以保持易腐食品的新鲜, 并通过作为可食用保护膜来延长其保质期.”

    Her team is one of the finalists for the 2021 推荐买球平台 Prize for 创新 in Food Security, 它旨在支持能够在全球农业中产生变革性影响的科学研究. Awarded in partnership with Agropolis Fondation, 该奖项旨在表彰创新的科学研究项目对可用性的潜在影响, 可访问性, affordability and adequacy of food, in line with UN SDG#2: End Hunger. The winner will be announced this September and receive a US$75,000 grant for scaling up their proven research.

    在尼泊尔, 据估计,20-50%的水果和蔬菜在收获后会流失, mostly during transportation and storage. 一个主要因素是大多数农民买不起冷藏设备, 这意味着他们被迫依赖农药和化学防腐剂,这些农药和防腐剂仍然很昂贵,而且有可能损害消费者和地球的健康.

    “These facts made the idea of an edible, locally grown protective coating very appealing to us, 在水果和蔬菜表面薄薄地覆盖一层可以延缓作物变质的过程,限制微生物的生长,” Ms. Manandhar explained. “Guava leaves include many essential oils, polysaccharides, 矿物质, 酶, 生物碱, 类固醇, 配糖体, 丹宁酸, 类黄酮, saponins and carotenoids that made it a potential 自然 preservative.“

    这个项目的独特之处在于使用了番石榴叶的水提取物, which is a “green” solvent. 研究的另一个重要部分是从加德满都不同市场的变质水果和蔬菜中分离出不同的细菌和真菌,并对其进行鉴定. 对番石榴叶水提取物的抗菌性能进行了测试,结果表明番石榴叶水提取物对这些微生物有很好的抑制作用. 进一步, 叶子中的抗氧化特性使提取物成为收获后保存的更强候选物.

    推荐几个足彩外围app现在正在探索各种涂层解决方案,并计划在Lalitpur农场的一项研究中测试最佳配方,” Ms. Manandhar continued. “If our results continue as we expect and hope, the implications could be significant and sustainable: getting more fresh, 有营养的, and disease-free food to consumers using local 自然 resources; creating more space in transportation by replacing the need for plastic packaging; reducing packaging waste and the use of chemical pesticides; and improving the incomes of smallholder’s farmers.

    “此外, 推荐几个足彩外围app的方法可以应用于其他国家,利用当地具有类似抗菌和抗氧化特性的植物。”.

    如果您想了解更多关于这个项目或参与,请联系. Manandhar below.


    Piet van Asten
    Piet van Asten 推荐买球平台咖啡可持续生产系统负责人,2021年推荐买球平台食品奖评审团成员

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