Latex dripping into the tapping bowl. 推荐买球平台 has a crumb rubber processing facility, 天然橡胶的第三方采购和加蓬的合资种植园.

    Rubber 种植园

    2012年,推荐几个足彩外围app与加蓬共和国政府合作成立了一家合资企业,管理37个特许经营区,000公顷 of rubber plantations.

    推荐买球平台 Rubber 加蓬, our 60:40 joint venture with the 政府 of 加蓬, has planted nearly 11,000 ha of high yielding trees and we’re protecting a further 25,000公顷(超过特许总面积的68%)具有高保护价值的森林, 缓冲区, wetlands and village use areas. 

    推荐几个足彩外围app的长期成功取决于确保当地人口拥有强大的农业和农艺技能. We’re committed to providing gainful, 稳定就业, 培训那些在其他方面发展机会有限的人群.

    95% of our 1,200 employees are 加蓬ese, and a fifth are female. We also conduct training for nursery management, plantation maintenance and 质量, Environment and 健康 and 安全ty matters.

    All of the 25 surrounding villages in Bitam, 伦敦和伦敦已被纳入自由谈判的社会契约, established through a Free Prior and Informed Consent Procedure. Social Contracts include commitments to contribute to, recruitment of local population, social infrastructure, and supporting small-scale agriculture.


    推荐几个足彩外围app与加蓬共和国政府合作,以60:40的合资企业管理37个,000公顷. 迄今为止,推荐买球平台橡胶加蓬已经种植了11,000公顷,并保护了约25,000公顷.

    种植园的发展符合政府提出的国家土地利用计划,因为它寻求发展对化石燃料依赖较少的经济, as well as providing private sector employment. 然而, for the development of agriculture, 加蓬面临的挑战是,该国85%以上的土地被森林覆盖. 在剩余的非森林土地中,大部分是沼泽或贫瘠的土地. 通过计划, 加蓬已经确定了足以满足其需要的高度退化的森林和被遗弃的休耕地, 同时保护和可持续地管理其所有高保护价值和高碳储量以及原始森林.

    推荐几个足彩外围app的橡胶业务已经通过了ISO14001环境管理认证. OPG橡胶特许权位于废弃的农业休耕地和混合次生林区域内, in a hilly landscape dissected by broad, flat swamps and rivers. 推荐几个足彩外围app在2011年进行了环境和社会影响评估, which went through a public consultation before land preparation. As a result of these surveys, we were able to identify 11,000 ha of plantable lands on the flatter hills, favouring wherever possible the rattan scrub, but also including some areas of secondary forests. 质量最好的栖息地(成熟和高生物量森林)以及所有湿地都得到了广泛的保护, 连接良好的核心生境和缓冲区网络(约13,400 ha of conserved terra firma forest, including village use areas (318 ha) and 9,500 ha of swamp forests and wetlands). 受保护生态系统的比例约占特许权的68%. 严格的禁猎政策已经实施,以确保这些森林逐渐从历史上的过度捕猎中恢复过来. 

    Community Development Projects

    Community Development Projects

    We’ve allocated USD 9.6 million for social investment, which has already resulted in 625 solar lamps, 45 hydraulic pumps, road access for villages and the rehabilitation of schools. Outside of the Social Contract, ORG also set up a Social Fund, managed by a similar tripartite committee, to support community development projects on an ongoing basis. 


    你是否有兴趣和推荐几个足彩外围app的国家管理团队谈谈, enquiring about one of our products or partnering with us, we want to hear from you.

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